If you have lived in Kenya as long as I have, the term 'Harambee' should, at the very least, ring a bell. 'Harambee' is a Swahili term that literally means 'all pull together'. If you need help, be it money-wise, labour-wise… it doesn't matter, all you have to do 'ni kuita Harambee' and your community's got you!! Harambee is such a revered activity in Kenya, it's our country's official motto! (I bet you didn't know that) *To be clear, I do realise pulling together is not exclusively Kenyan* So, with Harambee's prevelance, someone must have decided to bring it into the digital world. Yes, they did. So, what do you get when you cross our spirit of Harambee with technology? You build massive platforms and call it crowdfunding! Kickstarter , Indiegogo , Crowdsupply , GoFundme etc. There's a tonne of these crowdfunding platforms on the web. If you have an idea that you'd like to execute but do not have the capital to do that...